Naturopathic treatments

Naturopathy uses a wide range of therapies to support optimal health, and always seeks to prioritise prevention and use the least invasive intervention.

After a thorough discussion about your health history, your Naturopath will design an individualised treatment plan which can include a combination of the following:


Diet and lifestyle counselling

Diet and lifestyle counselling

Healthy diet and lifestyle are the foundations of good health and vitality: without these foundations, no treatment can provide significant and long lasting benefits. That is why this is the first area I address when you work with me. However we are unique individuals, with unique needs and life circumstances, which means that what works for one person will not necessarily work for the next. Accordingly, my recommendations are designed specifically for you, making them relevant, achievable, and effective. Recommendations cover areas such as food, relaxation, sleep, physical activity, living environment, and social life.

Nutritional supplement

Nutritional medicine

Nutrients are the building blocks necessary for your body and mind to function well, they are your “hardware“. A healthy diet is the best way to obtain these building blocks, however some health presentations need a more targeted intervention to correct a nutritional deficiency, to support healing, or to provide symptomatic relief. I prescribe high quality and practitioner only supplements when I think they will provide significant benefits to you. When relevant, I also create personalised nutritional formulas for precise and cost effective solutions.

Naturopathic Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine

Medicinal plants have been used for thousands of years and are endorsed by a growing body of scientific research. They contain chemical constituents which have therapeutic effects on a wide range of health conditions, while having great safety levels. They are very powerful tools which can have a considerable impact on your health improvement. Using high quality liquid extracts, I create personalised herbal formulas which target specific organs or functions of your body. I also use high quality herbal supplements, herbal teas, and create topical formulations such as creams or ointments.

Naturopathy Flower Essences

Flower essences therapy

Emotions are an integral part of who we are, however negative emotions such as confusion, overwhelm, fear, disappointment, anger,… can over time drag us down and affect both our mental and physical health. Flower essences provide a gentle tool which can help you face and process strong emotions, loosening their grip on you: you can then regain calmness, positivity and vitality. I create personalised flower essences blends which can be used internally or externally. This is a safe and inexpensive therapy that can be combined with my recommended mindfulness activities for maximal effects.


Laboratory testing and analysis

Laboratory testing is essential to complete your health assessment and track progress. It provides important insights on nutritional status, hormonal levels, allergies and sensitivities, gut health, heavy metals levels, genetic markers, etc. The test results are used to better understand the causes of your illness and fine-tune your treatment to achieve better health outcomes. Routine pathology testing provides information on basic disease markers, and can be done through your GP (covered by Medicare) or directly through me. Functional testing provides detailed information on your health status, and can be ordered directly through me.


Want to learn more about my naturopathic approach?

Get in touch.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. - Hippocrates